We welcome Ukrainian and International companies to promote their products and services to the target audience through the Conference Sponsorship. The Conference Sponsor Packages are designed to ensure exclusive benefits for the Sponsors in raising awareness of the company, promoting its image and visibility, and setting up communication with prospect clients. The Packages should be considered as initial proposals of the Organizing Committee and are negotiable with respect to the cost and contents.
General Sponsor Package (three slots only)
Price: 500 Euro / 15 000 UAH
- General Sponsor banner (1/3 of the page width) with company logo, name, and a link to the company webpage on the Conference website’s main page (section Sponsors).
- General Sponsor banner (1/3 of the page width) with company logo and name in the lobby of conference telecommunication system (Zoom).
- Large company logo under General Sponsors section of the Book of Abstracts Sponsors page.
- Time slot of 10 minutes during the Conference Plenary Session for live presentation of the company.
- Zoom breakout room at the top of Business / Industry section.
- Information section at each / any of the offline Conference venues*.
Main Sponsor Package (six slots only)
Price: 200 Euro / 6 000 UAH
- Large company logo with a link to the company webpage on the Conference website’s main page (section Sponsors).
- Large company logo and name in the lobby of conference telecommunication system (Zoom).
- Medium company logo under General Sponsors section of the Book of Abstracts Sponsors page.
- Time slot of 10 minutes during one of the Conference symposia** for live presentation of the company.
- Zoom breakout room close to the top of the Business / Industry section.
- Information desk at each / any of the offline Conference venues*.
Sponsor Package (no slot limit)
Price: 100 Euro / 3000 UAH
- Small company logo with a link to the company webpage on the Conference website’s main page (section Sponsors).
- Small company logo and name in the lobby of conference telecommunication system (Zoom).
- Small company logo under General Sponsors section of the Book of Abstracts Sponsors page.
- Zoom breakout room in the Business / Industry section.
- Information stands at each / any of the offline Conference venues*.
* Subject to active COVID pandemic restrictions.
** *Presentations are limited to one sponsor per symposium. Time slots are assigned on the first come-first served basis.
Please contact us if your company would like to sponsor the event.