
The conference will be held in a hybrid format (offline + online) with the main offline venue in Kyiv, Ukraine. The main offline venue of the conference is the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”: Hall of University Academic Council, building 1 (Opening Symposium) and room 101, building 9 (Topic Symposia). 

Each conference room will adhere to the active COVID restrictions with respect to capacity and placement, but synchronous communication will be set up between the rooms and will include online participants. Additional distributed conference rooms may be arranged in other Ukrainian cities when Organizing Committee will have more information about the geography of active participants. 

Short information about Kyiv

We invite you to attend Kyiv, one of the most beautiful cities of Europe, which has more than 1500-year history. Among the sights of our capital is world-wide known Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra, Sofia Cathedral, central street of Kyiv – Khreshchatyk, picturesque river Dnipro with beautiful bridges, numerous churches, parks, theatres. Kyiv is well known cultural and scientific center of Ukraine. There are a number of academical and educational institutes and universities engaged in the field of materials science.

Normally the weather in that season is rather warm (+10 – +15 °C), when trees have green leaves slightly colored in autumn gold.

The hotels for accommodation of conference participants are also located close to the place of conference. Accommodation cost is 60-200 EURO depending on lodging comfort.